We're spice
1175–1225; (noun) Middle English, aphetic form of Old French espice (French épice) < Latin speciēs appearance, sort, kind, in Late Latin (plural): goods, wares, spices; (v.) Middle English spicen, in part derivative of the noun, in part < Old French espicer, derivative of espice.
About us
Situated in the oldest town of Holland we are committed to invest in food, fun, fumaroles, filibegs and the future. Our goal is moderate growth, annual profitabilty and maintaining our sense of humor.
Contact us
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Spice Ventures is a trade name of
Van der Does Management bv
Schoolstraat 15
3311 XT Dordrecht
The Netherlands
+31 78 63 90 850
VAT number
Chamber of Commerce
General purchase terms (Dutch)